Integration Guides

SG - Using with Subscription Genius

There are 2 kinds of accounts one can use for the payment gateway,  It is important to choose the correct designation ( or w/ CIM) when establishing your payment gateway. 

Option 1: w/ CIM

This option is to be used for any account that wishes to process automatically renewing bundles. When setting up your API credentials in Subscription Genius, ensure that you have W/ CIM selected. ONLY select this if you are in fact using a CIM level account. Choosing w/ CIM when having only a regular account will result in errors and failed credit card processing. You can upgrade to a CIM account within your online login page, or by contacting their customer service department. 

Option 2: Standard

This option can be used If you are not using automatically renewing bundles.

For either account option, you will need to extract your API and Transaction Key from Please note that if you refresh or change this API or Transaction key AFTER placing it within Subscription Genius, you will need to update the credentials within your SG account. These credentials are found within your personal online login.  

*Please use the DEFAULT settings. Changing requirements for purchases (like requiring company name for example) will disrupt your payment gateway.