Payment Plans

Payment Plan Invoices

If you are using our Payment Plan feature, you can find invoices designed specifically for payment plans.

Payment plans are created at the contract level and sit on top of the invoices. This means an invoice CAN NOT be marked as PAID until the payment plan is fulfilled. Since a line item can only be present on one invoice, it may take multiple payments in a payment plan to equal the total amount of that line item. This often results in sending the same invoice with the same invoice number multiple times. That can get confusing for advertisers, so that’s where our payment plan invoice feature come into play.

Your administrator user has access to both the regular invoice and the payment plan invoice templates in your account. To edit either invoice template, go to System Settings>Templates>Edit Payment Plan or Invoice Template.


Now, let's say a line item on your invoice costs $3,000 and you want to break it down into three $1,000 payments over the course of three months.  You can divide that total cost into three payments using a payment plan at the contract level. However, if you use regular invoices you’d have to send the same invoice three times. However, when using payment plan invoices, a unique invoice for each payment plan due date is generated. So we would have three different invoices that we could send to the advertiser.

Remember, these payment plan invoices aren’t the real invoice numbers that you will use for your books; these payment plan invoices sit on top of the original invoice. That being said, when your advertiser submits a payment for that payment plan invoice, you’ll be applying it to the original/main invoice. 

Access the Payment Plan Invoices

  • Click Accounting using the left-hand navigation menu.
  • Select the Payment Plans tab to find Payment Plan Invoices.
  • You will now see a list of all of your payment plan invoices


Finally, to send these invoices, use the Batch Action dropdown to download PDFs and send them as attachments in an email. 

Note: If you would prefer to send the main invoice instead of these payment plan invoices, you can from the Invoices report. If a payment plan is present on an invoice, it will, by default, show at the bottom of the invoice PDF.