
How to Bulk Add Tags

Inside Ad Sales Genius, you have the ability to add tags to several accounts at once using our Account Tags import tool. 

Before you can begin, you must have a .CSV file that is formatted for this import. 

The import tool is expecting to see a file that contains the advertiser name and up to 10 tags (while the system supports up to 10 tags per account, not all of the fields are required, so if you just want to import a single tag for several accounts, you can configure your .CSV file to do this).

Note: Please ensure that the advertiser name matches exactly what is shown in ASG. If not, the import tool will pass over this entry and not create the tag.

The easiest way to create this import file is with a spreadsheet tool like Excel or Numbers, you can then export that file to .csv format. 

For example,  here's a formatted spreadsheet that has not yet been converted to a .csv file. 

Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 1.02.00 PM

In this example, the first two customers will get one tag added, the third company will get 2 tags added, and the fourth company will have 3 tags added.

You will then convert this spreadsheet to a .csv file, and you'll be ready to go!

Once you have the .CSV file ready, follow these steps to import tags en masse:

  1. Select your Profile Avatar > Import using the left-hand navigation menu.

  2. Click on the Account Tag option to launch the import tool.

  3. Click the Pick File button to choose your .CSV from your computer.

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  4. Once you choose your file, you can then click the proceed to map columns button.

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  5. Use the drop-down menus here to map up what column in your .CSV file should match the related field in Ad Sales Genius.

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  6. Click the Import button when all fields are mapped correctly.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 1.15.51 PM

You will receive a notification at the top of your screen saying the import has been successfully completed.