Ad Units and Rates

Filtering Ad Rates

If you have a product that has several Ad Rates, you can quickly filter for the appropriate ad rate so you don't have to spend as much time searching for the right rate. 

This article will walk you through how to filter ad rates on a product.

To Filter Ad Rates

Follow these steps to filter your ad rates:

  1. Click Products using the left-hand navigation menu.

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  2. Click on the product that you are working with.

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  3. Click on the Rates tab to see a list of all of your active rates.

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  4. As you can see from the screenshot above, there are many rates configured for this product. Click on the Unit/Size drop-down menu to filter your rates by size.

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  5. Select the size for the rates that you would like to view.

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You will see that the list is much more manageable to view now.

To remove the filter, click the Unit/Size option from the drop-down menu.

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