
How to Edit a User

In addition to the actual account user, an Admin user has the ability to edit user's passwords, emails, phone numbers and more. Read the instructions below and learn how an Admin can edit a user.


1. Start by navigating to your user profile and select Users.

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2.  Select the edit Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 11.50.06 AM button to the right of the user's name you need to update to access his/her settings.

  1. Update the user's name, phone number, email address, password, role, permissions and/or profile image.
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  2. Simply enable or disable a role using the toggles. 

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  3. Use the User Login Enabled toggle if you would like to activate and de-activate this user.
    Note: Inactive users are considered billable. If you need to free the seat, you must delete the user.

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  4. Use the Allow Exporting of Contacts toggle if you would like to allow this user to export contacts.

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  5. Click the Save button when you are satisfied with your selections.