E-Commerce Guide

SG - Creating or Editing an Email Receipt for Subscription Genius

  • Choose E-Commerce from the left-hand side, and then select Checkout Page.


  • Click Customize Receipt.


While customizing your email receipt, you are able to add a custom message to your subscribers that will show on the bottom of your receipt once it is finished.

  • The custom message field provides you with a platform to give your subscribers information unique to your publication. For example, you may want to provide them information about logging in to the subscriber portal, a link to some of your online content, or just a simple welcoming message introducing them to your business. 


  • You also have the ability to imbed images within your custom message if you'd like. To imbed an image, simply click the image link, and paste the URL from the web. You can also use HTML within this form to further customize the email template. 
  • Save your settings.

Now your subscribers will automatically receive this information immediately after purchasing one of your subscription offers.