
Create and Edit Contract Templates

Contract Templates allow you to format your contract by simply dragging and dropping predefined content. You can include videos, HTML, dynamic content, and more using this feature. 

Our Contract Templates are created using Liquid by Shopify. Click here for more information on Liquid.  

This article will discuss:

Create a New Contract Template


To access your Contract Templates:

  1. Click Profile Picture > System Settings from the left-hand navigation menu to be taken to the Settings window.

  2. Click the Templates link to display your templates.

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  3. From the top right hand corner of the templates page, select Add Template.
  4. Input a template name in the Template Name field. 
  5. Then, upload a Template Logo. Click the Pick File button to choose a logo for your template. 💡You can also drag-and-drop a graphic file from your local computer to this window to choose a logo. 

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  6. Click the Save button to add your templates.

Edit your Contract Templates

With your new template added, click the Edit button for the contract template you wish to edit. 
Note: This is also the method used to edit existing contract templates.

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The main body of the contract is divided into rows. You can add a new row structure by clicking on the rows tab and dragging one of the options into the body of the contract. 


You can also move existing rows by highlighting the row and clicking the button. 
You can delete a row by highlighting the row and clicking the button.
You can copy a row by highlight the row and clicking the button.

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Clicking the rows tab with a row selected displays the settings for the selected row.Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 11.38.30 AM


Each row contains blocks of content. The following content blocks are available for use.  Read below for a description of each content block. 

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Image: This content block allows you to insert an image onto your contract.

Text:  This content box allows you to type in custom text. This is also the content box you will need for inserting 

Button:  This content block allows you to add a button for a call to action.

Divider:  This is a simple line used to break up areas on your template.

Social Media:  Use this to add icons with links to your various social media accounts.

Dynamic Content:  This content block will allow you to choose specific content based on the type of template you are creating. For example, if you are creating an invoice template, you will see options like Contract Line Items, Tear Sheets, Online Payment Instructions, etc. here.

HTML:  Use this content block to input your own HTML code

Videos:  This will embed a video into your contract. Clicking this will present you with the option to add a URL to your video.

Icons:  Choose this to add an icon that is included in your file library.


To add a content block, click the Content tab and drag-and-drop the desired content type onto the row.


With the content block added, it now needs to be configured.

To do this, click on the content block and edit the properties in the right-hand menu.
Note: These properties change depending on which content block is selected. 

Merge Tags

When working with the text content block, you can input merge tags. Merge tags are a great way to give your contract a customized feel in the hands of your recipients.  Merge tags are denoted by using {brackets} and are preloaded in the system to ensure ease of use. This merge tag will allow your contract to contain the first name of the recipient as configured in the client's settings:

To add a merge tag:

  1. Click inside of a text content block to see the text menu.
  2. Move your cursor to the location where you want to add your merge tag.

  3. Click the Merge tags button to display the list of available merge tags.
    Note: This list is scrollable, so if you do not see the merge tag you're looking for, scroll down.

  4. Click the merge tag you want to add.

  5. Your merge tag has now been added.

  6. When you are satisfied with your contract template, click the Save button in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes.

A note about merge tags

Merge Tags used to be denoted with a # sign instead of the brackets { }. 

If you have been an Ad Sales Genius user for a long time, your previous templates will have mostly converted to the new system but in the event that they are no longer compatible you will see this icon:

Click Options and Edit to go into the template and change the incompatible tag. 



Click on Settings to display General Options page.  Adjust the settings to customize your content.  Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 11.57.09 AM