Creating a Proposal

Contract Line Items

Contract line items enable the ability to create line items fees and discounts on a contract that are not specifically a product. The contract line items can be applied on a contract in the following ways:

  Contract Insertion
Fee Yes Yes
Discount No Yes

Fees/Discounts can be applied to any insertion as a sub line item or at the contract level. Fees/Discounts attached as a sub line item on an insertion will be invoiced with the associated insertion. If the contract line item is on the contract as a general line item, then the line item will be invoiced on the first invoice generated for the contract.

Configure Line Items

Your administrator users can create secondary line items on a proposal or contract that are not insertion specific. For example, you can create ad creation fees, trade discounts, position fees, and more.

Contract line item types allow the classification of fees and discounts that can be applied for adjusting pricing on insertions and contracts.

To configure contract line items an admin user can go to Settings > System Settings using the left-hand navigation menu.

Click the Contract Line Items link to display the contract line items.

Here is where you can configure your line item types. Each line item must have a name, a type, and visibility. If you use General Ledger codes, you can input them here as well.

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Click the + New Line Item Type button to create your new line item type.

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Here, you will give the new line item type a name, designate whether it is a discount or a fee, provide the GL account and item codes. You can also configure whether this line item is displayed at the general level, the insertion level, or both.  If this line item will be used to track non-cash payments such as barter or trade, enable the Alternate Payment Tracking toggle switch.

Note: While a fee can be applied to both at the general contract level and or applied to an insertion, discounts are limited to being applied directly to insertions only. Since the accounting methods used prevents splitting a single discount across multiple line items, an invoice could possibly be a negative value. For this reason, contract line item discounts are not allowed at an overall general contract level.

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