Ad Units and Rates

Ad Rate Units

When editing or creating Products, you may notice a Units header under the Rates tab. This only pertains to Time Based products, so disregard otherwise. 

The Units specify the number of days/weeks/months (depending on what you chose as your Sold In increments on the ad size) you want to be grouped together. For example, if your Ad Size is sold in Days, and you choose a Unit of 3 when creating the corresponding Ad Rate, the calendar within a proposal will only show increments/groupings of 3 concurrent days.

If you are utilizing the Units within Ad Rates, be aware that the rate you input indicates how much it costs for the entire Unit i.e., that rate does not get multiplied by the number of specified Units. So for the example above, if each daily ad is supposed to cost $100, you would need to input a rate of $300, since your days are grouped in units of 3.